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Come Experience "Queen Air" Service


Charter Flights throughout the Midwest and Great Lakes Regions

Daily Flights to Beaver Island and Mackinac Island


Serving more Islands daily than any other air carrier in Northern Michigan

Charter Flights

Everything revolves around you. The flight schedule. The service. The convenience. Get closer to your destination and make the most of your day. Fast, direct, safe, and efficient.

Beaver Island Flights

Take a breath of Fresh Air and discover America's Emerald Isle. Unspoiled, unhurried, and unmatched in natural beauty. Offering daily flights from Charlevoix to Beaver Island. 

Mackinac Island Flights

Daily flights from St. Ignace to Mackinac Island. Easy charter flights from Pellston or Traverse City. Your most experienced and realiable choice for air travel. 

Take a Breath of Fresh Air - Contact Us!

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About Fresh Air Aviation

Why fly Fresh Air? Because at Fresh Air Aviation we are dedicated to providing our customer with excellent service with integrity and courtesy evident at all times while maintaining the highest levels of safety possible. As your committed aviation service provider we take our mission seriously. We use only modern, well appointed and comfortable aircraft piloted by experienced aviation professionals. 


The founders and crew of Fresh Air Aviation have extensive experience serving the air transportation needs of the Northern Michigan region, the Beaver Island Community, Mackinac and Bois Blanc Island - Flying is our passion and islands are our specialty. Come experience the difference!

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